On Jul 7, 2008, at 10:49 AM, John C Klensin wrote:
--On Monday, 07 July, 2008 17:19 +0000 John Levine
<johnl@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
While I find this interesting, I don't see much logical or
statistical justification for the belief that, if one increased (by
a lot) the number of TLDs, the amount of "invalid" traffic would
remain roughly constant, rather than increasing the multiplier.
And, of course, two of the ways of having "networks [to] clean up
their DNS traffic" depend on local caching of the root zone (see
previous note) and filtering out root queries for implausible
domains. Both of those are facilitated by smaller root zones and
impeded by very large ones.
Agreed. This is happening while some email providers suggest
widespread adoption of MX resource records targeting roots to signify
opting-out. Not only does this form of email opt-out unfairly burden
the victim, this scheme also victimizes roots. Are roots really
inexhaustible and capable of sustaining high levels of horizontal
growth, and ever greater levels of DNS misuse while adopting an
additional security layer? How will roots be able to block abuse once
it proves destructive?
From the human aspect, the list of common file extensions is mind-
numbingly long. With a changing TLD landscape, one will no longer be
sure whether a reference is to a file or to an Internet host. This
becomes critical since automation is often used to fully construct
links. Will obvious names be precluded such as .C0M, or those less
obvious having international domain names? While this might help
ICANN raise money, their profit seems destine to come at the expense
of those currently supporting existing infrastructure. If domain
tasting is an example of governance, then how can ICANN be trusted to
operate in the greater interest of the Internet? It seems more
reasonable to extend ccTLDs into a comparative list of international
domain names where desired, and then wait a decade to measure its
impact and to allow wider deployment of DNSsec.
Smaller steps rather faith in ever greater capacity seems more
appropriate. If DNS were to approach the ability of roots to respond,
then DDoS attacks take on truly global proportions.