Thanks for your review, Bernard. Paul is about to prepare a new version based on IESG review comments. Can you take care of Bernard's suggestions at the same time? Jari Bernard Aboba kirjoitti: > Overall this document looks good. I only have two minor comments. > > Section 12.2 > > "For EAP-TTLSv0, the Peer-Id is null." > > I agree that the Peer-Id is null in the case where there is server-only > authentication and no cryptographic binding, since in this case, the > identity of the peer entity contributing to the keying material is not > known. > > However, when client certificate authentication is used in Phase 1, I > would suggest that the Peer-Id is defined as in [RFC5216] Section 5.2. > > NITs: > Change [RFC2716bis] to [RFC5216] everywhere. _______________________________________________ IETF mailing list IETF@xxxxxxxx