Hi all, Wanted to let folks know about an experiment that some participants from the GEOPRIV working group have put together for this IETF. Using the IETF network infrastructure as a location source, we've set up a location server [1] that offers location information over the HTTP-based HELD protocol [2]. It works like this: +--------+ +-----+ +---------------------+ | Client |---HELD----| LIS |-----------| IETF (NetDisco [3]) | +--------+ +-----+ +---------------------+ 1. Client submits HELD request 2. LIS queries NetDisco (over an ad-hoc interface) for location of an IP 3. NetDisco returns civicAddress XML for the AP to which the requested IP is connected, e.g.: <civicAddress xmlns="urn:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:civicAddr"> <country>US</country> <A1>Pennsylvania</A1> <A3>Philadelphia</A3> <A6>Market</A6> <STS>Street</STS> <HNO>1201</HNO> <PC>19107</PC> <ROOM>Franknlin 1/2</ROOM> </civicAddress> 4. LIS inserts civicAddress into PIDF-LO into locationResponse and returns to Client The HELD server is written in PHP, and is based on the open-source HELD LIS written by Andrew Co. [4]. We have two clients for you to try out: 1. I wrote a small Java application [5] that pulls location from the HELD server and posts it as the status of a Jabber account. For instance, while I was in SIPPING this afternoon, my status was: " Current location: Civic Address: Franklin 1/2 1201 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 " Note: This app runs *alongside* your usual Jabber client, as a separate client, so you don't need to change anything about how you use Jabber. Requires Java 1.6. 2. Along with the open-source LIS from Andrew Co, there's Java client library and GUI that shows most of the features in draft-ietf-geopriv-http-location-delivery-05, including the creation and management of location references (URIs that refer to location). You can download it at [6] (Note: (1) you need to download both the client library and the GUI; (2) requires Windows and Java 1.6.) 3. Karl Heinz Wolf from Nic.at has enhanced the Zap! SIP client so that it will access location and send it out in SIP messages [7] If you do give these tools a try, please send feedback to me and to the GEOPRIV working group list, <geopriv@xxxxxxxx>. Thanks a lot, --Richard [1] <http://lis.ietf71.ietf.org/> [2] draft-ietf-geopriv-http-location-delivery-05 [3] <http://www.netdisco.org/> [4] <http://held-location.sourceforge.net/> [5] <http://lis.ietf71.ietf.org/downloads/geojabber-1.0.zip> [6] <http://lis.ietf71.ietf.org/downloads/HELD_Client-Executable.zip> <http://lis.ietf71.ietf.org/downloads/HELD-Client-GUI-test-app.zip> [7] <http://ecrit.labs.nic.at/> _______________________________________________ IETF mailing list IETF@xxxxxxxx https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf