As a software engineering professional, I have experienced first-hand
the harm done by patents on software.
I ask that you please REJECT any proposed standard (including those
vying merely for "experimental" or "informational" status) which is
encumbered by patents. (If the patent is made available for free use by
anyone, with no restrictions, registration, payment, or further
licensing, then that is fine - it is effectively the same, for this
purpose, as if the technique was not patented.)
There is no benefit to consumers, users, corporations, the software
industry or art, or in fact anyone except the patent holder, when a
standard is made to include patented techniques which must be licensed.
It is the responsibility of a respected standards organization to resist
pressure from those who seek to subvert the standardization processes
for their own financial gain at the expense of EVERYONE else.
Therefore, please DO NOT allow the patent-encumbered TLS-authz extension
to become even an experimental or informational standard - please REJECT
it outright, unless and until it is made completely free (in all senses).
Thank you,
Chris MacGregor
Senior Software Engineer