Hi. As indicated in an earlier note, I've got considerable misgivings about this document. Sorry it has taken me this long to draw my notes together and get them posted. Metacomment: Many or most of my concerns about this document would disappear if it were placed on the normal standards track as a Proposed Standard, followed by a review after some months of which features and recommendations really had received considerable implementation and deployment and proven effective in practice. While use of BCP for IETF procedures and the like is, IMO, just an unfortunate terminology twitch, use of BCP to eliminate the multistage process for what is clearly a protocol document --even one that slides over into the territory of a somewhat speculative A/S-- seems dubious to me and devalues those BCPs that really are recommendations based on best current practices rather than speculation about future ones. As noted below, this document even appears to update RFC 2821, altering one of its requirements. While I wouldn't particularly recommend it, those concerns could also be satisfied by some rephrasing of comments followed by Informational publication. I want to stress that I agree with the intent of every recommendation in this document. It is the document itself and occasionally the requirement levels, but not the recommendations themselves, that are inadequate or inappropriate, especially for a one-step approval/publication process. Even the comments below that have nothing to do with status (possibly modulo the concerns about an inadequate Security Considerations section) probably fall into the "good enough for Proposed" category... but not good enough for a one-step model. I also note that the IETF has experimental protocols (SPF, etc.) and a standards-track effort (DKIM) about which some fairly optimistic claims have been made about their ability to limit spam or control its effects. It would be sad to issue this document as a BCP and then turn around and issue an update that contained a different (even if broadly consistent) set of recommendations were one of those techniques to prove as successful as their most passionate advocates predict. Specific remarks: (1) While this document talks about a "wide variety of email authentication techniques..." (Introduction, paragraph 3), the reality is that these are generally not authentication techniques for email but for the server chain. Their strength depends on the assumption that the sending endpoint (MUA and MSA) will have adequately validated the sending user. However, in most cases with these techniques, the strongest validation assumes that the mail is valid if it comes from a machine which is authorized to send mail over a particular path. That would constitute reasonably strong user (and hence email) authentication (a "confirmed identity of the originator") if the sending machine were trusted and known to strongly authenticate user accesses. But, on an Internet where the most common practice is to assume that possession of an end-user client machine constitutes authorization to use it, that assumption is dubious. Each time the IETF community has attempted a serious analysis of "email authentication", the conclusion has been that the only methods that really work are based on end-to-end message authentication involving digital signatures and message integrity checks of some persuasion. While the difficulties with wide deployment or those methods are well-understood at this point, the IETF should not be publishing a Best Practices document that implies that less reliable techniques are equivalent or even that they are "email authentication". All in all, there are a series of initial authentication and authorization and chain of trust assumptions built into the techniques recommended here whose "security considerations" analysis is woefully inadequate either directly or by reference. Rather than discussing these issues, the "Security Considerations" section merely says that there is a problem and that these recommendations can help with it. (2) Section 3.1 contains a MUST requirement for availability of the message submission port (RFC 4409). While I am a firm believer in RFC 4409 and look forward to the point at which we can put out a document that deprecates the use of SMTP (RFC 2821) for message submission by clients that do not support full SMTP services (for many more reasons than spam mitigation), we aren't there yet, and a MUST requirement definitely does not represent current practice. A subsequent subsection "Submission Authentication" requires (with a MUST) authentication on the asserted identity ... "even for a message having a RCPT TO address that would not cause the message to be relayed outside of the local administrative environment". The IETF has historically been very reluctant to tell people what they are permitted to do within the confines of their own administrative environments (e.g., local or enterprise LANs). Even a SHOULD on this one would seem to require much stronger justification than appears in this document; a MUST appears to be outside IETF's knowledge and scope, at least in the absence of a security analysis of the potential issues. MUST provisions in the next subsection ("Submission Authorization") raise similar issues: Validation of authorization is certainly a fine idea but, without some more specific text about what is intended and required, it is so much hand-waving. And we should not be hand-waving around a MUST. Section 5 is apparently intended to address this issue but falls somewhat short (see (7) below). Editorially, if Section 5 is actually intended to address the issues of methods, some forward references/ pointers would be in order. It seems to me that the provision that the tracing requirement of "Submission Accountability after Submission" can be satisfied by examining header information requires a comment, either inline or in Security Considerations, about the ease or difficulty of spoofing that information. While the level of sophistication required to do a good one has risen over time, "Joe Jobs" are not exactly a recent innovation and, indeed, several of the other techniques recommended in this document are presumably intended, at least in part, to make them more difficult. By contrast, the last paragraph of the introduction to Section 3 is correct: it is common practice today for MSAs to reject message postings where no relationship exists with the MUA (or user, or MUA host). RFC 4409 requires that behavior for Submission servers. That paragraph goes on to say "...an MDA can choose to reject all mail to recipients for which that MDA has no arrangement to perform delivery." Certainly that is true, since it has been a firm requirement since before RFC 821 was published (and arguably going back to the days of FTP-based netmail). Now, I think the point the authors are trying to make depends on a very narrow and precise definition of "reject". But that term is not defined appropriately in this document: as far as I know, its only definition and consistent use in a standards-track document (specification or candidate) for Internet email is in 2821bis (draft-klensin-rfc2821bis, version -03 and later). Interestingly, the "Delivery Authorization" subsection of Section 4.1 says "MUST NOT accept..." which avoids the problem of the definition of "reject". But see (6) below. As a related editorial quibble, the language of the introductory paragraph of Section 3 implies that initial submission via SMTP is never authenticated. That is simply not correct (and this document says so in Section 5). (3) The provisions of the first paragraph of Section 3.2 seem odd to me. If we believe that authentication and authorization of the submission MUA are important (which is what 3.1 appears to say, with MUST-level requirements), then saying that MSAs "SHOULD" require authentication on SMTP-based submissions appears to provide a way to evade that requirement. I can see good reasons for this provision, including conforming to actual current practice, but it needs, IMO, considerably more explanation and rationale of when it it is acceptable to violate the "SHOULD". (4) The first paragraph of Section 4 seems to be unnecessarily obscure to me, especially if it is expected to be read by someone who is not intimately aware of email protocols, terminology, and the discussions of the last few years. As the most glaring example, what is the definition of a "mass-effect email problem"? The Section 4 recommendation to use Submit on port 587 rather than SMTP (on port 25) for initial submission is wonderful, and consistent with the recommendations in Section 3 and elsewhere. But there is ultimately nothing magic about Port 587 other than that most providers who are providing crude blocks on port 25 haven't awakened to Port 587 yet _and_ that Submit requires authentication and SMTP does not (see comment (3) above). (5) A MUST NOT requirement on blocking Submit (Section 4.1) is a bit dubious at this point. Again, I am sympathetic to the reasons, but there are presumably still implementations of RFC 2476 out there that do not require authentication. An access provider has no way to be guaranteed that all servers on port 587 authenticate and authenticate adequately (i.e., there is no trust relationship between an access provider and an arbitrary port 587 server at all). So, if the access provider believes that blocking outbound port 25 is an important anti-spam measure, then blocking port 587 traffic to an open relay on that port is equally rational. I think that demotes this requirement to a SHOULD, with as strong an explanation as the authors deem appropriate. (6) Section 4.1 "Delivery Authorization". This seemingly mild and reasonable statement about accepting mail interacts with an ongoing debate in the rfc2821bis effort and elsewhere. At least as I read it, it directly contracts text in 2821 which permits an MTA to "accept" (i.e., respond with 2yz codes) messages for any address, evaluate the address after acceptance, and then "bounce" (generate an NDN and return all or part of the message) if the address is unauthorized or undeliverable. As we have discovered with 2821bis, eliminating that option requires consideration of some fairly complex issues with the email architecture. On the other hand, if the MDA could assume that the other recommendations and requirements of this document had been followed, the issues with "bouncing" messages would largely disappear and this requirement would apparently become a trivial restatement of the 821-and-earlier requirement that a server accepting a message take the transfer of responsibility seriously. (7) Section 5 refers to SMTP AUTH or TLS as if they are sufficient solutions to the issues and requirements of this document. Fortunately or unfortunately, either can be used in ways that does not satisfy these requirements. In particular RFC 3207 TLS can be used to provide privacy protection without any meaningful client authentication at all. I believe that our norms require that those issues be discussed either in this section or in Security Considerations if these techniques are to be given as examples. thanks, john _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf