Simon sez: > According to what definition of 'free standards'? I agree with the other Scott - please be clear in what you are wanting to write about there seem to be as many definitions of "free standards" as people writing about them - my definition revolves around how much money to I have to pay to get a copy of the standard - as in 'the ITU-T recomendations (a.k.a, standards) used to cost money to get but are now free' or 'I can download the IETF RFCs from the web for free.' if you want to write about "standards that have no known patent licensing requirements" then say that (observation: you can not write about "standards that have no patent licensing requirements" if you are talking about standards less than 20 years old because there is no way to know if a standard is in that set) Scott _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx