Schliesser, Benson wrote:
It sounds like your argument is: "We're too incompetent to say our names
at the mic, so we're probably too incompetent to use a RFID system."
Did I get that right?
This sounds like a Rube Goldberg joke, not a serious thread.
Could we possibly find a more over-engineered solution
to such an unimportant problem? I doubt it.
There are so many Process Wonks in the IETF who feel it
is their sworn duty to yell "State your name please!"
every time somebody steps to the mike, that I don't think
we need to introduce expensive technology into the mix.
How much are the IETF meeting fees going to go up to pay for RFID name
badges anyway?
While I'm certainly not going to defend the competence of every IETF
participant, I don't find much merit in that argument. In my
(unscientific) first-hand experiences, it seems that most people
do manage to wear their nametags at the meeting. And many of the names
on those tags are of cultural origins other than my own, i.e. from a
non-English speaking country. If I could actually see the name of the
person speaking, it seems like a great improvement over hearing a name
which is unintelligible to my ears or hearing no name at all. And if
somebody forgets their RFID-badge, then I'm no worse off than I am today.
In other words, I think we could come up with a system that worked well
enough to be a net improvement over our current operational model.
On the other hand, I am amused by your idea of scanning the streets for
RFID responses that look like IETF-badges. Then my robot army could
track down and kill all IETF participants whom oppose my plans to take
over the Internet! Or maybe I could just use them for some fun practical
jokes instead...