The problem is that we are a perpetually
forgetful crowd. In particular, we
tend to forget to take our badges off when we wander around
town. Hence,
it is likely that more people will be able to tell where we
are than those who
we intend to know where we are.
Kind of goes with the tendency to forget to
identify yourself at the mike.
So, we get a nice RFID protective wallet
and - remembering how absent
minded we are - we keep our name tags (with all of our
other RFID badges,
and passes) in that protective
As a result, unless you need to get it out to
get into a room, it will likely
be inside that protective wallet most of the week. On
the plus side, that
means I won't be the only one who forgets to put my name
tag on. On the
negative side, an RFID name tag - especially one that is in
a protective
wallet - is not particularly human readable. At
least - if we remember to put
them on - the current name tags are fairly easy to
Did I mention how forgetfull we tend to
be? I thought so, but I don't
Eric Gray
Principal Engineer
Eric Gray
Principal Engineer
From: Andrew G. Malis [mailto:agmalis@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:45 AM
To: Eric Gray (LO/EUS)
Cc: David Morris; ietf@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: RFID (was: identifying yourself at the mic)
Importance: HighEric,Why not? We each already receive a unique identifier when we register for the meeting - all the RFID tag needs to contain is that identifier, no personal info is required.There could also be an opt-in locator service to let other attendees look up what meeting room you're in at that time. I would opt in - I'm alrways trying to find particular people during the week, and this would certainly help people to find me.Cheers,Andy
On 3/27/07, Eric Gray (LO/EUS) <eric.gray@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Excellent idea - NOT!!!All we need is something else to wrap in aluminum foil...Thanks!
Eric Gray
Principal Engineer
From: Andrew G. Malis [mailto:agmalis@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:55 AM
To: David Morris
Cc: ietf@xxxxxxxx
Subject: RFID (was: identifying yourself at the mic)
RFID would be a great way to replace the blue sheets as well - put an RFID reader at the door of each meeting room. Embed the chip in the name tag so you don't need to remember to bring anything else from your hotel room in the morning.Cheers,Andy
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007, Schliesser, Benson wrote:
Sun has been pushing RFID technology quite heavily ... perhaps they would
sponsor an experiment???
_______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx