Re: References to prior work

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On Mon, 5 Mar 2007, Stephen Farrell wrote:

I think something along these lines might be ok, so long as
its not a significant barrier to progress - I'd hate if every
new author had to be an I-D historian, or if anyone who wanted
to slow down a document could play the system using this. I
have a hard time seeing how that can be done.
They need not be historian, i.e. if they do not know of the existance
of prior related work they don't have to site it, but if they do know
of the existance of have been alerted about it on public list or in
private comments due to their draft, than I'd say acknoledging the
work is required.

Anyway, I think this is an area where the tools team could
come to the rescue yet again, given the right set of
requirements, maybe e.g. including a link to an auto
generated list with the IETF LC announcement. (Before
anyone asks: I'm not volunteering, but would be happy
to chat about it over beer in Prague.)





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