Generally speaking just getting the slides before the
slot is difficult enough without specifying a format
that the author may not normally use.
It is common for slides to be written at the very
last minute, and even when they are written in
advance, last minute changes that result from
discussions with other IETF members at the meeting
often occur.
The new scheme whereby chairs can upload the
slides (even if they are not in your favorite format)
works much better than the old scheme where the
chairs (maybe) collected the slides after the slot
and mailed them in to the secretariat after the
So bottom line for me is that any slides are better
than specifying the format and getting no slides.
- Stewart
Yangwoo Ko wrote:
I guess that this issue has been discussed several
times. But, once again, why don't WG chairs ask
presenters to convert their presentation files
before submitting to chairs? Non proprietary file
formats are useful not only for later lookups but
also for during session follow ups.
Frank Ellermann wrote:
Hi, will the *.ppt slides be converted again to *.html ?