On 3-okt-2006, at 15:07, Fred Baker wrote:
So I think most operators would prefer to do a key rollover where
the old key remains valid indefinitely and is removed manually
rather than automatically after some time.
Somehow I can't imagine any real implementation NOT having this
capability. So you set the delete timer for "next year"... You're
in control of it.
That sounds good, especially if the default is "infinity".
I guess I'm making a suggestion, and if it is not reasonable then
Steve and his working group have to decide that.
I don't think Steve has a working group for this.
What it sounds like you're arguing for is turning the procedure
off, doing the change manually with the other operator on the
phone, and taking the outage when if happens.
You mean like how things are done today? (-:
Actually I proposed something else in my original message in this
thread and also earlier in a message to Steve, on the NANOG list
IIRC: have BGP speakers announce to the other side that they have a
new key along with a hash over the key and when both sides have the
same new key, do the rollover without delay. This means the rollover
always happens when the new key is configured on the second end but
only if the keys match.
In any situation where it's possible that both ends set up different
keys, I believe it's important to have the resulting outage happen
immediately rather than later. BGP already provides plenty of ways to
shoot yourself in the foot, we should take care not to introduce new
I can think of folks that change keys on a daily or weekly basis,
or at least tell me they do, and are really in hope of a way to
automate that in a reliable fashion.
Well, my expience is pretty much the opposite: in the commercial ISP
world here in Europe, key changes are rare. Nevertheless, "reliable"
is the operative word here.
If a key change is required this often, wouldn't it make more sense
to protect the BGP session with IPsec? That is vastly superior to TCP-
MD5 in all respects other than ease of initial setup.