Hi, Mike,
If we could morph it into a signup system that distributed people
according to restauant capacity and avoided the problem that someone
says "I hear there's a burrito place on X street" and a herd of 300
IETFers shows up there, since they don't know any other places to go,
then you'd really have something.
I'm afraid it's beyond IETF's expertise to come up with
distributed burrito processing protocols.
If you think about this for a minute, you would realize that (1) we not only
have protocols for this, but we have running code, and (2) "too much focus
on distributed burrito processing" might explain a lot about where we are
and how we got here! :-)
Spencer, who is wondering what a "dining protocol designers" multitasking
algorithm might look like, with a burrito between every pair of protocol
designers (with apologies to the dining philosophers)