Re: IETF Last Call under RFC 3683 concerning JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

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At 21:32 22/01/2006, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
So, in my sample picked for "Personal attack and threats", I see no threats, and really no attacks either.
It is hard to read, and may not be worth reading, but is not actionable IMHO.
Dear Marshall,
Thank you for spending the time to check and for speaking the truth.
Actually I am the threat, I am the "attack".

The Internet and the computer environments are US ASCII English. This lead to the idea to support languages through a globalization architecture internationalizing the network and localizing the computers (RFC 2277, 3066). RFC 3066 Bis (technically and practically) exclusively commits the Internet to this architecture embodied by Unicode. Its current main achievement is IDNA.
This makes the Internet incompatible with multilingualisation needs, 
demands, and architectural R&D like mine. Hence I am the threat. 
Multilingualisation is a retro and cross-internationalisation 
considering the 20.000 language entities equal. A linguistic "peer to peer".
In addition the whole world (14,500 people in Tunis, with the sole 
absence of the IETF) decided for multilingualisation (I accept I am 
active in that area). I also forced  RFC 3066 bis to be so clean that 
one can now easily circumvent its interoperability and security 
problems if they were not addressed by my current appeal. I also 
asked an IAB guidance to know if they want to stick to 
internationalization or want to work on multilingualisation. These 
two appeals are the "attack" they try to protect the IETF from.

PS. "hard to read" comes from my Franglish (should hardly be a problem for language experts?) and from the lack of time. The waste of time against a score of opponents reluctant to clarify their Draft was huge. I think it was OK to waste a year to permit my work of the 10 coming years.



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