--- Begin Message ---
Hi. As people may be aware there is a pesci bof discussing principles
and next steps for process change. It is currently scheduled
Wednesday before the plenary but conclusions of the BOF are to be
presented in the plenary. That's not much time. I'm proposing a late
swap of pesci and ipr; this swap would not make the printed agendas.
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The current agenda is as follows:
1850-1950 Afternoon Session IV
Oak APP opes Open Pluggable Edge Services WG
Salon C GEN ipr Intellectual Property Rights WG
Salon F INT dhc Dynamic Host Configuration WG
Salon 1 OPS callhome Reversing Traditional Client/Server Connection
Model BOF
Salon 2/3 OPS opsec Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network
Infrastructure WG
Cypress SEC msec Multicast Security WG
Salon D/E TSV enum Telephone Number Mapping WG
Salon A/B TSV tsvwg Transport Area WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Oak GEN pesci Process Evolution Consideration for the IETF BOF
Salon 1 INT pana Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network
Access WG
Salon 2/3 RTG isis IS-IS for IP Internets WG
Salon C SEC mobike IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming WG
Cypress TSV fecframe FEC over Transport Framework BOF
Salon A/B TSV xcon Centralized Conferencing WG
--- End Message ---