Scott, your presumption of being above the law and able to act without any regard or recognition of responsibility and obligation is exactly how organizations get into legal trouble. The IETF is an activity of the ISOC. The ISOC is incorporated in the US, has a corporate charter, bylaws, and various duties imposed on it. It is subject to US law, and it seems, Massachussets state law. We'll see. Your frustration is familiar: I've seen it before as ignored legal realities are imposed on those who presume they don't exist. The experiences of Chris Neill** and Alif Terranson come to mind. Eduardo: Don't take these things personally. When faced with reprehensible behavior: "speak to the jury". And thanks for speaking up. --Dean [** BTW, Chris Neill just recently sent me a nasty gram, 6 years later. For those of you who don't know the story (most of you who aren't Nanog members), Neill was fired from Verio in 1999 after Nanog members encouraged him to abuse our relays. This was at a time when Nanog members claimed that no laws applied to the Internet. I was banned from Nanog for saying with substantiating citations that this view is wrong. I was vindicated by all accounts except those of hard-core Nanog members like Dave Crocker. Neill's firing not entirely Nanog's fault, but it partly is. Neill continued the abuse after being told to quit by his management. Neill posted a diatribe on Spam-l after he was fired, blaming me. This is just one of the reasons Nanog members make personal attacks on me] On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Scott W Brim wrote: > OK, this is getting silly. Have you ever been to an IETF meeting? > You should understand the IETF culture before presuming to advise > governments. The IETF is not a puppet of any government, and even if > it were, that has nothing to do with RFC3683. > > The Last Call was reissued precisely to support the rights of the > "accused" (your word). Because it was issued on the wrong list, some > people might not have seen it. It was given *more* exposure time, not > less, in order to be *more* fair, not less. Your implications that > the "rulers" and their lackeys are gaming the system to take away > rights is completely absurd. > > _______________________________________________ > Ietf mailing list > Ietf@xxxxxxxx > > > -- Av8 Internet Prepared to pay a premium for better service? faster, more reliable, better service 617 344 9000 _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx