--On fredag, september 30, 2005 14:00:51 -0400 "Steven M. Bellovin"
<smb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In message <p06200745bf63239c4b83@[]>, Margaret Wasserman
Harald is attempting to assemble information that he will use to
propose a PR-action (a "Posting Rights" action), as described in RFC
3683. Once he has assembled this information, he will presumably use
the information to persuade a member of the IESG (an AD) to sponsor
this action. That AD would then be in charge of running a fair and
open process to decide whether or not Jefsey Morphin's posting rights
should be revoked.
I confess that I'm uneasy about Harald's action. It has too much the
air of an unpopularity contest -- every one who doesn't like Jefsey's
should sign on to kick him off the mailing list.
It doesn't make me feel good either. But the alternatives I saw were:
- Don't do anything, and let Jefsey continue doing damage
- Make a solo proposal (or one with its supporters gathered privately) to
the IESG for a PR-action
- Be public, and see who else agreed with my opinion
I did not find the first alternative attractive.
The second sounded like it could easily be seen as "the in-crowd is
conspiring to silence dissent" by conspiracy theorists.
So by Hobson's choice, I ended up with the third one.
I'm happy to see that there are names on my petition that I don't recognize
at all - it gives me some confidence that my exasperation with Jefsey's
behaviour was not just something peculiar to my viewpoint or that of my
But once next week's gone by, I'm happy to pass the token to the IESG, and
worry no more about it.