On Aug 10, 2005, at 1:40 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
I've been thinking about this on and off for a day, and I'm not
convinced that having running code at the time a specification is
first fleshed out would be all that helpful.
Can you point to any instance in recent IETF history (after 1995 or
2000 or so) where having having running code early in the process
would have made for a better _designed_ protocol?
Yes -- in the IMAPEXT WG we run into this frequently. In the past
year, implementation experience has led people to make useful
suggestions and find issues, as you can see on the mailing list Jun 1
and Jan 10 for example.
Also the *lack* of server implementations of the IMAPEXT annotations
draft is leading us to make better choices (I hope) about how
annotations are designed and how much of the feature is required. It's
hard to notice a lack of implementations unless the regular situation
is to have implementations. So I certainly appreciate early