FYI, and to get people's minds in gear for tonight's
technical discussion, here's the list of things we had
suggested when we called for technical topics:
1/ The big interconnect -- voice and IP service provision (without
re-running the VOIPEER bof).
2/ Does the IETF still follow (observe) the end-to-end and KISS
principles? (e.g. sip, sipping, SBC, voipeer, ...)
3/ "I'm seeing a whole new world of NAT-alikes popping up with Session
Border Controllers, and would like to mention this to the community."
So, think about the topics and what might be interesting to
talk about, in them, that isn't going to take us down the ratholes
we've explored thoroughly before (in plenary or various working
groups). Perhaps harder than the technology itself ;-) .