I thought you didn't understand the relevance because you started your response with "I am not sure how this line of discussion relates to the proposed BCP" and you ended your response with "So an attempt to bring this thread into some relevance for the Last Call:" To be honest I didn't understand why you wouldn't think it a relevant albeit dissenting post. Anyway, we obviously both see very diffeent sides - hopefly if either of us are right that's the school of thought that will prevail. Best regards, Nick Staff ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Crocker" <dhc2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> To: "Nicholas Staff" <nick.staff@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <iesg@xxxxxxxx>; <ietf@xxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:09 PM Subject: Re: Last Call: 'Email Submission Between Independent Networks' to BCP - Clarification > See what worries me is when you didn't understand the relevence of my > post > you didn't ask me one question. What makes you think I didn't understand the relevance of your post? d/ --- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking +1.408.246.8253 dcrocker a t ... WE'VE MOVED to: www.bbiw.net _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf