[Last-Call] Minor request regarding draft-ietf-uta-require-tls13

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I apparently missed the last call announcement for this.

This document seems to be trying to do an entirely reasonable thing, namely tell folks taht protocols need to be secured, and TLS1.2 isn't good enough.  I don't even pretend to have the skills to disagree.

However, I have a terminological concern.  The document says that all new protocols MUST use TLS1.3 (or better, I presume).  For protocols that are running over TCP, that fine.  I do not believe however that we have agreement that all protocols MUST run over TCP (or QUIC).  All sorts of IP-based protocols run over IP directly.  Some run over UDP.  Routing protocols run over all sorts of choices of substrates.  Can we refine the "new protocols" term somehow to be more specific?

It was suggested to me off-list that there was enough context for readers to know what is meant.  I can't find that context in the body of the document.  The fact that it comes from the uta working group may mean something to some folks, but does not seem to me to be enough context for a reader.



PS: I tried to fine the original last-call in the archive to reply properly to that.  Apparently, my search skills are insufficient.  I found all sorts of review comments, but not the last call announcement.  Sorry.

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