[Last-Call] Dnsdir telechat review of draft-ietf-dnsop-compact-denial-of-existence-06

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Reviewer: Patrick Mevzek
Review result: Ready

I have reviewed previously draft-ietf-dnsop-compact-denial-of-existence-05
at https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsdir/pSqTcLhunIAULyz4v8ByXhp7cWg/
It was "Ready with Nits".

Looking at version 06 now,
the major points I raised have now been addressed by this version,
so I thank the authors for that and their further explanations in the mailing-list.

I believe the document is tighter and clearer with this version.

No other substantiative change in this new version after my previous review
(besides the expansion to cover NSEC3, which was one of the point I raised in review),
so I believe this version makes the document
now in Ready state from my point of view.

PS: you still however have a dangling ( I think now in §7.2 starting at:
"(e.g., Minimally Covering NSEC"
Probably put a ) right after NSEC?
If there is another new version for the draft for other reasons, please try to fix that
very minor point that does not warrant a new version just for itself.

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