Reviewer: Jim Fenton Review result: Ready with Nits I am the designated ARTART reviewer for this draft. This is a re-review of -06 following my review of -04. Status: Ready with Nits Thanks for addressing basically all of my comments from my earlier review. This is ready to go, although I spotted a few more instances of the overuse of "octets" in Section 2.1 that result in some awkward wording. Examples and suggested replacements: "...while the extnValue is the encoded value of Nonce octets" -> "...while the extnValue is the encoded value of the nonce" "...then the length of the Nonce octets MUST be..." -> "...then the length of the nonce MUST be..." "...MUST use a minimum length of 32 octets for Nonce octets in the Nonce extension." -> "...MUST use a minimum length of 32 octets for the nonce in the nonce extension." "...that has a Nonce octets with a length..." -> "...that has a nonce with a length..." "The value of the Nonce octets MUST be..." -> "The value of the nonce MUST be..." " -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx