Reviewer: Thomas Fossati Review result: Ready with Nits This draft is a bit unusual: it reads like an informational document, but there are a few instances of RFC2119 key-words (about https URIs at the Call Placement Service (CPS), and (m)TLS between OOB-AS and CPS), so I guess the PS status is OK even though a bit "weak." The two requirements around the use of TLS in §5 could do with a reference to 9325. Nits: # Section 1 s/transitting/transiting/ s/to the PSTN,/to the PSTN/ # Section 3 s/but nor does/nor does/ s/PSTN/Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)/ # Section 4 s/services providers/service providers/ s/numnber/number/ s/originating domains has/originating domain has/ s/within a scope of an SPC/within the scope of an SPC/ s/TN based/TN-based/ s/signed by a CA, and contain their own/signed by a CA and contain their/ # Section 5 s/caller (or callee), to the degree/caller (or callee) to the degree/ s/A CPS can use this mechanism can authorize/A CPS can use this mechanism to authorize/ s/connection, if there is/connection if there is/ s/Furthermore, use of/Furthermore, the use of/ s/although use of transport-layer security/although the use of TLS/ # Section 6 s/means that called parties can acquire PASSporTs/means by which called parties can acquire PASSporTs/ s/or through a subscription interface/or a subscription interface/ s/calls arrive, or receive/calls arrive or receive/ # Section 7 s/legacy providers, and also/legacy providers and also/ # Section 8 s/for contributions/for {his,her,their} contributions/ # Section 10 s/an entity contractual acting/an entity contractually acting/ s/telephone numbers ranges/telephone number ranges/ -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx