Re: [Last-Call] [openpgp] Last Call: <draft-ietf-openpgp-crypto-refresh-12.txt> (OpenPGP) to Proposed Standard

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Hi Werner,

The high level answer to pretty much all your points below is that
these issues were raised by you as the WG did it's work and the WG
decided to proceed as it has.

In particular, in September 2022 we (as chairs) polled the WG [1] to
see if people preferred to continue with the WG draft (that's now the
subject of this IETF last call), or to adopt the draft you wrote (on
the lines below) as an alternative. After many participants had chimed
in the WG explicitly chose to continue and to not adopt the set of
changes you prefer.

Stephen & dkg (as openpgp WG chairs)

PS: Normally we'd bemoan the fact that someone was re-raising issues
already discussed in the WG during IETF LC, but in this case we do
think it's fair for Werner to bring our attention to the fact that
the main developer of a significant implementation is in the "rough"
part of rough consensus. That's regrettable of course, but the WG
did explicitly consider that during the work.


On 31/10/2023 11:31, Werner Koch wrote:

As initiater of the updated OpenPGP specification, as long time editor
of that draft, and as principal author of GnuPG (a major implementation
of the standard and de-facto successor of PGP) I see severe problems
with the draft.

Earlier versions of the following comments have been circulated in
closed groups of stakeholders.


                     A CRITIQUE ON A FORK OF OPENPGP


The IETF OpenPGP Working Group (WG) at some point decided to give up on
its charter to produce an updated specification and instead started to
re-invent that standard.  Whether this is in line with IETF rules is

The charter says:
       Other work related to OpenPGP may be entertained by the
       working group as long as it does not interfere with the
       completion of the RFC4880 revision. As the revision of
       RFC4880 is the primary goal of the working group, other work
       may be undertaken, so long as [...]

Given that new features and discussions for larger updates of the
specification delayed a new RFC for many years and were the reason for
closing the WG in 2017 and re-opening in 2020, I propose to go back to
the last commonly agreed upon draft or to conclude the WG on the grounds
that no rough consensus could be found.

Symmetric Mode

   It seems that this new scheme was introduced for the benefit of
   allowing GCM as yet another encryption mode.  GCM is a counter mode
   and, as can be seen by the large changes required, hard to get right.
   Meanwhile we have GCM in CMS (the core of S/MIME) because Microsoft
   decided to go this way.  However, OpenPGP has taken its decisions
   based on technical soundness and not based on larger vendor,
   government or committee decision.

   The WG once decided to go with OCB and EAX.  EAX was only added to
   avoid possible patent problems.  However, in the 4.5 years since the
   introduction of EAX the OCB patent expired.  Thus there is no more
   reason to reject OCB and it should be declared as RECOMMENDED mode
   with the intention to make it a MUST mode in some future OpenPGP.  It
   can also be expected that FIPS-140 will eventually allow OCB.

   My suggestion: Drop all the new AEAD ideas and use what has been
   deployed and agreed upon in this very WG a long time ago.  Further,
   turn OCB into MUST and EAX into MAY (only for backward compatibility
   to deployed implementations).

Padding Packet

   A padding packet is introduced with the idea to mitigate traffic
   analysis.  However, it is suggested to use random data for the content
   of this packet and thus this packet opens a huge covert channel.  This
   is especially concerning for institutional users efforts regarding
   Data Leak Prevention (DLP).  Suggestions to use padding based on a
   verifiable seed, were rejected despite that this is the standard
   method to do padding.

   This padding idea has come up in discussion every once in a while over
   the last 25 years and has always been rejected because it does not
   belong into the encryption layer but into the application (plaintext)

Changes to the ECDH Encryption

   ECDH is the standard way to do encryption with elliptic curves.  For
   OpenPGP ECDH has been specified in RFC-6637 from 2012 and been
   implemented by PGP and GnuPG even a year earlier.  Instead of keeping
   this solid specification some details have been changed without a
   sound reason.

Proliferation for Algorithms

   The new draft not only allow the use of GCM as a third encryption mode
   but adds a couple of other required algorithms:

   • HKDF
   • Argon2 [1]
   • Optional modes [2]

   I joined the AES conference in 2000 on Phil Zimmermann's wish to talk
   about algorithm proliferation.  We agreed on pushing the forthcoming
   AES along with our MDC extension, get Twofish and so out of the focus,
   and in general resist to add new algorithms.  That is for the simple
   reason that neither PGP nor GnuPG wanted to maintain all new
   algorithms until eternity.  Later we had to do a political compromise
   to allow Camellia for the use in Japan and Brainpool curves for
   European use.  We should really stick to this and not support
   algorithms which are just a substitute for existing crypto building
   blocks.  Since added complexity makes a review harder and the larger
   codebase has to be maintained indefinitely for backwards

Removal of Useful Real World Features

   For example: in 2016 a 'm' flag was introduced to indicate that the
   plaintext shall be interpreted as MIME data.  This has been removed
   along with deprecating the traditional 't' flag to distingusih between
   binary and text data.  Having the ability to easily detect MIME data
   is for example required to process attachments from web mail clients
   or in air-gaped environments.

   The designated revoker feature has also been deprecated with the
   rationale that a better method is to achieve this with an “escrowed”
   revocation, pre-created by the user.  In fact, GnuPG creates such a
   revocation certificate since version 2.1 (release in 2014), to
   mitigate the common problem of a forgotten password.  But this is not
   a replacement for corporate needs: The designated revoker is an
   important feature to manage a large scale deployments of OpenPGP keys
   and acts as a CRL replacement.

Removal of Security Fixes

   Due to an implementation bug in PGP 5 the meta data of a signed file
   was not covered by the signatures.  RFC-4880 didn't fixed that for
   backward compatibility.  However, users were often surprised when they
   learned that the shown filename and file data could be changed while
   keeping the signature intact.  With the introduction of the new v5
   signature packet format, the opportunity to fix that was taken.
   However, the crypto-refresh group then introduced v6 signatures and
   removed the fix [3] with the flimsy explanation that the way to
   populate that the field is not clear in a theoretical
   encrypt-then-sign scenario and that signatures could not be detached
   and reattached (which is obvioulsy wrong).  A later proposed fix for
   v4 signature packets (Meta Hash subpacket) [4] was not considered.

Salted signature issue

   Salted signature have been introduced with the idea that they might
   mitigate a choosen prefix attack in the same way as they will do for a
   certain SHA-1 based Web-of-Trust attack.  No research for that
   statement has been cited just an assumuption and a concern related to
   fault attacks on EdDSA for Wireguard-like protocols [5].  However,
   such fault attacks can be more securely detected by checking the
   signature after verification in the same way as the mitigation to
   Lenstra's attack on RSA's CRT.

   Anyway, the major concern here is that this adds another 32 octet
   covert channel to each message (and also blow the signature up by 64
   octets) In this case it is not an optional feature as with the padding
   packet.  This is a clear violation of best current practices in
   sensitive areas where signed mails are mandatory and encryption is not
   enforced (or monitored by a gateway).

Regression from Deployed Formats and Standard Behavior

   In general the crypto-refresh draft tends to ignore the requirements
   of long term storage needs and considers online communication and
   software deployment pattern as the major OpenPGP usage.  Data and
   software life-cycle management has not been adequately taken in
   consideration and thus the draft regresses heavily from 30 years of
   PGP history.


[1] “It is RECOMMENDED that implementations use Argon2.”

[2] EAX, OCB, GCM and a way to define even more

[3] See commit 390055d408d8611bc37707f81c13215cf5a05348

[4] See commit a397df29704ab65c2565d12ec29a703efbaf7f8c


Attachment: OpenPGP_0xE4D8E9F997A833DD.asc
Description: OpenPGP public key

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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