On 8/18/23 17:54, John Levine wrote:
Are we going to tackle this mess?I sure hope not. People already think we're out of touch old cranks without rescuscitating complaints about top posting and HTML mail from the prior millenium.
I hope we ignore such ugly ageist prejudice, and continue to try to do our jobs as engineers to make the Internet (and IETF) work better.
And if IETF is not willing to try to fix known problems with existing protocols because we think we'll be seen as old-fashioned, and that instead we should leave it to a bunch of competing 2000kg gorilla corporations to provide their own piecemeal mutually incompatible (or barely interoperable) "solutions", we have clearly outlived our usefulness and should just disband IETF.
I don't believe IETF is in that bad a shape quite yet, and I hope
you don't either.
I also hope that we stop promoting the idea that wisdom acquired
from long experience isn't useful.