On Tue, 8 Nov 2022, Barry Leiba via Datatracker wrote:
Hadn’t we decided not to post email addresses in the registries going
forward, for privacy reasons? I thought that IANA would record but not
post the contact details, and would make the connection upon request.
But maybe I misremember or misunderstood.
indeed! if an email address is posted, it shall comply with all existing
privacy regulations, including EU GDPR which is quite strict on this.
Of course the "owner" of the email address (e.g. the individual it belongs
to) can decide to make it public, releasing explicitly all privacy issues,
but in such a case we need to "record" this authorisation.
PS: and I also still have my old unsolved issue that email addresses
change, disappear, etc... but this is another story we discussed a umber
of times already :-)
Claudio Allocchio G A R R Claudio.Allocchio@xxxxxxx
Senior Manager and Advisor
tel: +39 040 3758523 Italian Academic and G=Claudio; S=Allocchio;
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