When you register for the IETF, you can check a box that says "I want to volunteer for NomCom" The secretariat provides a list to the tools team, who uploads the list and checks their eligibility to be a volunteer. This year, the list was uploaded on July 8. The final list was posted on July 25. This meant that people who registered after July 8 and checked the box could have been omitted from the volunteer list. I believe that this was not a problem before because previous NomCom schedules happened earlier, but did not verify. With the great help of Robert Sparks of the tools team, and Ryan Cross of the secretariat, I can report statistics about this year. There were 51 people who registered between those dates. Twenty-two of them were already on the volunteer list, and one I know was ineligible. That leaves 28 potential volunteers who did not got their eligibility checked and possibly added. A manual run of those people through the filters shows that about seven potential volunteers would have qualified. We say "about" because the scan didn't check for other disqualifications, like Board memberships. As a reminder, the final volunteer list had 265 people (some of which were ineligible; had they been picked, we would have gone to the next candidate). A fix is in the works so that next year there will be no gap between registration before the deadline and being added to the volunteer list if you qualify. Thanks to Martin Vigoureux for bringing this to my attention. -Rich Salz, 2022 NomCom Chair