The description of the IETF Trust in sec 3.8 is incomplete.
The IETF Trust owns the copyright in published RFCs as well as in works of
the IETF itself such as the IETF's web site and software tools written by
IETF contractors. It also owns the domain names for the IETF and related
Also "IETF, IRTF and other related organizations (such as IANA)" is
misleading. The Trust owns the IP for the IETF, IRTF, and IAB. It
currently owns IANA's domain names and trademarks through an agreement
with the IANA clients.
(The IANA stuff is not reallly part of the Trust's job and this trustee
would be happier if the IANA clients found a neutral place to move it.)
John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxxx, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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