and at least some opinion that publishing it was better for the Internet than not publishing it - certainly, for every standards-track RFC, there was at one time a majority view in the IESG that such was the case.
well, no. the iesg at the time of 2065 was clearly out smoking pot on the back deck, there is no possible way that it could have been seen as "good for the internet" or even "good, at all." exhaustion, dayjobs, and miasma.
I remember 2065 well, because that was the first time this freshly-minted AD ever cast a "DISCUSS" position in the IESG - pointing out one obvious error, and saying that "I don't understand the wildcard specification".......
Once one was fixed, and the other revised, I was told by the responsible AD at the time that securing the DNS was of primary importance (which I continue to believe is true) and that the WG understood the specification (which I now doubt) and its operational implications (about which history has produced the consensus - it wasn't so. But we needed to try it before we learned that lesson properly).
So I let it pass.... in retrospect, I don't think that kicking it back to the WG once more would have been better for the Internet. Shutting down the WG without a result and doing something different might have been better. But we didn't think so at the time.
One point to learn is probably that specifications need to make it out of the WG before the WG is exhausted. And that it's really, really hard to do disaster recovery when that doesn't happen.