That's a great catch, and I know this isn't an easy responsibility for you, or for Gabriel!
Thank you both for serving the community in this way (among many others).
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 10:35 AM Andrew Sullivan <sullivan@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
As many of you know, under BCP 10, the Internet Society President
(which is me this year) is responsible to select the Chair of each
year's Nominations Committee (NomCom).
I am pleased to announce that Gabriel Montenegro has agreed to serve
as the Chair of NomCom for 2021-22. Many of you will know Gabriel, who
has served the IETF in a number of roles. Gabriel retired from
Microsoft in 2020, where he worked on networking technologies for
Windows. Prior to that he worked at Sun Microsystems as Principal
Researcher in both France and California, US. He has served as a
member of the 2020-21 NomCom, a member of the IAB, and a Working Group
and BoF Chair several different times, and was active in many
standards groups outside of the IETF. I am grateful for his
willingness to serve the IETF in this capacity, and I hope you will
join me in thanking him.
Best regards,
Andrew Sullivan
President & CEO, Internet Society
+1 416 731 1261