(2) When a document comes up for review for Proposed->Draft, we look for implementations, etc., perhaps following Keith's proposal outline. If the implementations are there, we issue a Last Call for identification of serious technical/definitional flaws in the document as published, where "serious" is defined as "problematic enough to interfere with independent interoperable implementations". If none are found, we advance the maturity level of the document, in place -- no new RFC publication required and hence little or no opportunity to reopen old wounds that lack demonstrated interoperability impact. If the document is about to time out in grade, we issue a Last Call, wait a reasonable period for protests and volunteers, and then downgrade it in place. The notion of having to write an RFC, following all of today's complex rules, and get formal consensus in order to declare a Protocol obsolete that isn't implemented and won't operate in today's environment is one of the more astonishing triumphs of bureaucracy over rationality. Similar rules would apply to Draft->Full (or whatever formula newtrk comes up with).
I cannot support the notion that the only technical flaws that should prevent a document from advancing from Proposed to Draft are those that "interfere with independent interoperable implementations".
A protocol may interoperate quite well with itself, and yet have a peripheral effect on a large number of other protocols. A protocol that does not share channel capacity fairly with TCP can have a disruptive effect on TCP-based protocols. A protocol that defines a new kind of (IPv4 or IPv6) address space that behaves differently from existing address space can break applications even if that protocol does not directly interact with those applications. A protocol which doesn't provide adequate authentication can cause its hosts to be compromised which in turn affects the operation and security of other services.
That, and it's too easy for technical flaws to be missed at Proposed Standard that show up after some implementation and/or deployment experience is gained - and these aren't at all limited to flaws that interfere with interoperation.
I do agree that we should not reopen noncontroversial documents that aren't found to have significant flaws. I have occasionally suggested that rather than re-edit documents advancing in grade, we start out by making lists of things that need to be changed. If that list ends up being less than N pages or X% of the length of the original specification, publish the list with a preface that says "RFC XXXX, with the following clarifications, changes, and corrections, is approved for Draft Standard".
OTOH, some documents that were controversial at Proposed probably do deserve special scrutiny at Draft. That doesn't mean that we should automatically reopen them, but it might be that given the subsequent experience with the document it no longer meets the criteria for Proposed (e.g. "no known technical omissions").
Principle: If we are going to spend as much time and energy as we do getting something to Proposed, then moving it to Draft or Full should usually require only identification of implementations, deployment, and desirability, not extensive and time-consuming document rewriting
What if we applied the same "principle" to software? What if once a program were written there were an expectation that it should never be substantially changed, never be re-evaluated in light of changed conditions or new understanding?