Reviewer: Qin Wu Review result: Has Issues I have reviewed this document as part of the Operational directorate's ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. These comments were written with the intent of improving the operational aspects of the IETF drafts. Comments that are not addressed in last call may be included in AD reviews during the IESG review. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last call comments. This document defines Extensible Provison Protocol (EPP) extension for unhandled namespace information conveyed to the client. It allow the server return unhandled namespace information that the client can process later. I think this document is well documented, however I do have a few questions for clarification. Major issue: Not found Minor issues: 1.Section 1: I am not sure how unhandled namespace information exchanging between the client and the service is compliant with the negotiated services defined in [RFC5730]. Why error response is not best choice to return this unhandled namespace information for later handling. 2. Section 3.1/Section 3.2 For Unhandled Object-Level Extension in section 3.1 and Unhandled Command-Response Extension in section 3.2, I see Template unhandled namespace response example for an unsupported command-response extension is same as Template unhandled namespace response example for an unsupported object-level extension, which make me confused, I am wondering how do we distinguish Unhandled Object-Level Extension from Unhandled Command-Response Extension in the XML snippet example. Can you clarify this? 3. When we say converting from an object response to a general EPP response by the server, does it mean the [NAMESPACE-XML] variable should be replaced by the object-level extension XML. Where these [NAMESPACE-XML] variable are stored in the server? Do we need to maintain the mapping between [NAMESPACE-XML] variable and object-level extension XML? Can you clarify this? -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx