new directions in mlm traffic: integration

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One of the big objections to the new fangled tools is that things get spread out over hell's half acre. They were in fact already spread out before github came along because on the one hand you have the actual mailing list, and on the other for archives, issues, etc, etc you have the ietf site. The deployment of email makes it close to impossible to have an integrated experience with MUA's alone.

Forum software has been around for decades at this point though and doesn't have the limitations of being tied to MUA UI. One advantage of Forum style sites is that it is possible to alter the chrome so that there is an integrated experience. For example, if I were viewing a message and wanted to check on its veracity, say, i could press a search button and get a popup to the list archives right at my finger tips. All of the relevant drafts could be at your finger tips too. If I want to see how the document has evolved, I can diff it. If I want to see who did what and why, I could view the check-in notes. It allows centralized navigation without all of the clunkiness of having to find the relevant tools. I doubt I'm the only one who just googles working group names to navigate to charters, archives, drafts and all of the rest which is far from ideal.

The best part of it is that nobody need be forced to use the integrated environment since a MLM->Forum gateway could be built (they probably exist already). I drew up a bit of ascii art to show how such a beast could be designed:

                   "Forged" New User Mail
                   (forum is a trusted
 +-------------+    source)            +-------------------------+
 |             |                       |                         |
 |List Manager +<----------------------+    Forum Based Site     |
 |(IETF)       |                       |    (integrated w/       |
 |             |                       |    source ctl, etc)     |
 |             |   Feed from IETF Lists|                         |
 |             +----------------------->                         |
 +----^----+---+                       +-------^------+----------+
      |    |                                   |      |
      |    |                                   |      |
      | +  |                                   |  +   |
      | |  |                                   |  |   |
    +-+-+--v-+                                ++--+---v+
    |        |                                |        |
    |        |                                |        |
    |        |                                |        |
    |        |                                |        |
    |        |                                |        |
    |        |                                |        |
    +--------+                                +--------+

Old School User                            New School User
(unaffected)                               (all tools integrated)

Before anybody freaks out about the "forgery", lists break DKIM signatures all of the time but in this case, we would trust the forum mail since it would be admin'd by IETF itself so we know it's not a forgery in the classic sense even though it wouldn't be incoming with a DKIM signature. It would have the added benefit of giving an interface to people who can't use external mailing lists based on email policy settings, and  would allow us to phase out the horrible hack and security risk of From header rewriting: they can use the new school method instead. There is tons of open source forums out there, and they're pretty infinitely flexible, and if doesn't do what you want, you can always fork it and hack away.

If there's any interest, I could write an I-D with it a little bit more baked. Apologies if this has already been discussed.


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