Hello, and first, let me say that I appreciate the work which you
did, while at W3C to advance the Semantic Web, and related technologies.
You state that
I saw the message; it really wasn't clear to me at all, and i think
have some misconceptions about W3C that might be getting in the way,
If it wasn't clear, please ask for any clarifications needed which I
will supply to the best of my capabilities.
You also state that:
Today, the value of marked-up documents for information, and not hard-
wired programs, is huge.
You were the one working to advance the Semantic Web, XML/XPath,
XSLT, RDF/RDFa and so on. You must have realized that the termination
of a significant part of the Semantic Web effort, and the switch to
HTML5/JSON/javascript and related technologies (which are really
trying to bring software running in the browser, to turn the web into
an online services platform), was a huge change of direction that
took us away from that. This is the very reason why I am bringing all
this up. It would be best to have one platform based on the very work
which you were advanced when at W3C (the Semantic Web, XML/XPath,
XSLT, RDF/RDFa and so on) and another for this "online service
platform" (but not based on HTML5/JSON/javascript) instead of one
single general purpose monster.
Raphaël Hendricks