Ines, thanks for your reviews. Med, thanks for making the updates. I entered a No Objection ballot.
Hi Med,
Thank you very much for the provided information. I have updated my gen-art review.
Hi Ines,
Thank you. A new version that takes into account all reviews, including yours can be seen at: URL:
Please see also inline. Cheers, Med
Hi Med,
Thank you very much for addressing my comments. Please find my answers below.
> d- Figure 3: The box Device includes Device Modeling. Should be
> added in Device as another box for "Resource Orchestration"? (As
> e.g. Service has Service
> Orchestration)
[Med] Resource orchestration/allocation is more on the network level. The network model definition says the following:
It can be used by a network operator to allocate resources (e.g.,
tunnel resource, topology resource) for the service or schedule
resources to meet the service requirements defined in a Service
Of course some of this may be distributed, but I don't think that we need to overload the document with this.
<ines> Ok, it is fine for me, my question was more related to device resources e.g. sensors/actuators as device resources </ines>
[Med] Thank you for the clarification. This is a sub-component of the overall “Device Modelling”. Please refer to “A.4.2. Device Management”. We don’t want
to overload figure 3 with many internal components.
> e.3- In the explanation of the Functional Blocks and Interactions
> section, why the following blocks are not defined/explained in the
> subsections?: *Service Assurance *Specific Service
> Creation/Modification *Specific Service Optimization *Specific
> Service Assurance
[Med] We don’t repeat "Specific-*" as we do say the following:
The end-to-end service lifecycle management is technology-independent
service management and spans across multiple network domains and/or
multiple layers while technology specific service lifecycle
management is technology domain specific or layer specific service
lifecycle management.
We also include in the description of the journey among layers. For example, the service creation section says:
If the request is accepted, the service orchestrator/management
system maps such service request to its view. This view can be
described as a technology specific Network Model or a set of
technology specific Device Models and this mapping may include a
choice of which networks and technologies to use depending on which
service features have been requested.
That is basically about "Specific Service Creation".
Will double check, though.
<ines> Ok, thank you. But what about the service Assurance? </ines>
[Med] A new sub-section was added.
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