Hi all, Secdispatch has requested a 2 hours meeting for IETF 109. In preparation for it, if you have a topic to bring to the agenda, now is the time to start a mail thread in the Secdispatch mailing list. The Secdispatch wiki contains information about what we expect to see in the mail thread for each agenda item: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/secdispatch/wiki The wiki now also contains guidelines on slides, for the presenters: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/secdispatch/wiki#Preparingyourslides The timeline has also been updated for IETF109: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/secdispatch/wiki/ietf109 . Please note that the list of topics below the timeline is not to be taken as the set agenda, but as the items requested so far. Thanks, Francesca