Reviewer: Martin Björklund Review result: Ready with Nits I did an early YANG Doctor's review of this draft. Most of my comments then have been addressed in this version. Comments: o As I wrote in my early review, the RFC editor enforces a common format of YANG modules, so it is better to adhere to this format before sending the draft to the RFC editor. Use pyang -f yang --yang-line-length 69 <FILE> to get a consistent look-and-feel for your module. (You will have to manually re-flow description statements after this.) o There are some leafs that are optional in the model, but w/o a default value and w/o an explanation of what happens if that leaf is not set. You should find those and either make them mandatory, add a default value, or explain what it means when it isn't set. As an example, /ipsec-ike/pad/pad-entrypeer-authenticatin/pre-shared/secret is optional. I suspect that this leaf needs to be mandatory. Another example is the leaf espencap. /martin -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx