Hi Wes,
In the IESG appeal I listed every decision I could think of but this time I would like to avoid that. There are some decisions that the IESG made that I may be unaware of making it difficult for me to pick. Section 8 of RFC 2026 says"
Each of the organizations involved in the development and approval of Internet Standards shall publicly announce, and shall maintain a publicly accessible record of, every activity in which it engages, to the extent that the activity represents the prosecution of any part of the Internet Standards Process.
Can you please post the previous draft(s) of the final IESG decisions
and any other activity engaged in for that final decision of my appeal?
Thank you,
On August 3, 2020 at 7:58 PM Wes Hardaker <hardaker@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Timothy,
It is important that an appeal sent to the IAB explicitly state what decision from the IESG that you're appealing. I recognize it should be self evident, given recent history; but to ensure we do not misperceive your request, can you please clarify which decision you are appealing (if for no other reason than to form a proper document chain)? And, if possible, explain why the IESG's response was incorrect in your interpretation (in other words, the underlying basis for your appeal). Is your appeal against the whole conclusion and response, or only parts of it, for example?