If Luigi declines to take the position, "the chair must repeat
the random selection process" or work with 9 members. In
general, that's meant continuing down the list, not going back and
picking up someone who was already not selected.
As others noted, that if for the period after the seating of the nomcom.
I believe she has made such a determination, and
has acted within the mandate of RFC 7437.
Luigi indicating he works for Huawei restructures the list and
eliminates Tal. Luigi indicating he won't serve triggers 5.7.
These are two separate events.
This is not ambiguous.
I disagree.
You cannot un-emit data. Once the NomCom chair has send the message with the list of NomCom members, they are the presumptive NomCom and all changes and challenges must be based on that list. What you are suggesting is to turn back the clock to re-run the process as if that message had never been sent. |