Keith Moore wrote on 09/05/2020 20:11:
On 5/9/20 3:01 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
I think this discussion is somewhat useful but is almost certainly
going to prove moot. The limiting constraint on when IETF is going to
be able to resume in-person meetings will almost certainly be the
point at which the host countries are willing to open their borders to
Perhaps my judgment is colored by living in the US, but I suspect you're
assuming far more sanity among governments than is warranted. IOW, the
limiting constraint may vary from one place to another.
there is also a secondary problem: if people returning home are subject
to mandatory self-isolation after returning from other countries, this
will dampen their enthusiasm for heading away to start with. A one- or
two-week post-meeting self-isolation period is a high price to pay for a
week-long meeting.