Hi, I wanted to know whether one can delete a control row from hlMatrixControlTable when a control row in al/nlMatrixTopNControlTable is pointing to the hlMatrixControlTable control row being deleted through the al/nlMatrixTopNControlMatrixIndex variable. eg. A control row exists in hlMatrixControlTable with Index value 112. A control row exists in alMatrixTopNControlTable with alMatrixTopNControlMatrixIndex value equal to 112. Can the control row in hlMatrixControlTable with index value 112 be deleted. I did not find any such dependency in RMON-II RFC i.e. 2021. However, conceptually al/nlMatrixTopNTable (i.e. data table) won't be populated once the corresponding control row from hlMatrixControlTable is deleted, eventhough a control row exists in al/nlMatrixTopNControlTable. Please clarify. Thanks, Chintan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing. http://photos.yahoo.com/