--On Monday, 01 December, 2003 07:24 -0500 "vinton g. cerf" <vinton.g.cerf@xxxxxxx> wrote:
karl, ICANN has responsibility to do what it can to make sure the DNS and ICANN root system work. It does not have to disenfranchise the RIRs and the root servers to do this.
I would go even further than this. One of the best actions ICANN can take, IMO, is to look at a particular situation (and the root system and DNS operations generally are probably good examples) and say "yep, it is working" followed by some version of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it... or even intervene". One corollary to this is that not only does "it not have to disenfranchise..." but that it arguably should not intervene in those activities at all unless there is a strong case that they are not working in some significant way.
In that sense, the observation that ICANN has not significantly intervened in either the root system or with the address registry environment should be judged as a success unless it is argued that one or the other is seriously not working.