As to the name badges, it seems to me that allowing an optional field on the registration form and name badge for name in Unicode seems eminently fair to those whose names use a Non-AASCII alphabet. As far as the bluesheets, I have been told that the only purpose for these is to estimate meeting size for room assignments. If this is true, it seems to me that having a few people (WG chair and perhaps a relevant AD or secretariat member) estimate attendance would be cheaper than scanners etc. let alone RFID. Allowing people to register by sending an email to a special mailing address and using a message counter might save some ink and speed up the bluesheet movement. Steve > -----Original Message----- > From: ietf_censored-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > [mailto:ietf_censored-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of John > Stracke > Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:45 AM > To: ietf@xxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: i18n name badges > > > JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote: > > >It should be RFID, cheaper, and easier, not only for the > blue sheets. > > > How would RFID be cheaper than barcodes? Someday, maybe, > but today the > tags are expensive--according to CNet, "depending on > volume, customers > can expect to pay 30 cents to $1 per radio tag". The IETF would be > low-volume, so we'd probably be paying closer to $1 > apiece. So just > the tags for just one meeting would cost more than a passel > of barcode > scanners. > > -- > /================================================================\ > |John Stracke |jstracke@xxxxxxxxxxx | > |Principal Engineer| | > |Centive |My opinions are my own. | > |================================================================| > |A successful tool is one that was used to do something undreamed| > |of by its author. | > \================================================================/ > > > > _______________________________________________ > This message was passed through > ietf_censored@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, which is a sublist of > ietf@xxxxxxxxx Not all messages are passed. Decisions on > what to pass are made solely by IETF_CENSORED ML > Administrator (ietf_admin@xxxxxxxx). > >