Ummm, I'm not a Genius of E-mail, but I have sent a few. :-} The very-helpful scenario Valdis included a couple of notes back ("if we punt on common ability to use Latin glyphs") has happened in my life, at the presentation level - I've been swapping e-mail back and forth with some very talented people in Korea. So, they have ascii-fied e-mail addresses that aren't THAT obvious (I think spencer, or dcrocker, or even vinton.c.cerf, is pretty obvious, but my three kids are daddys_little_hurl (April), buddha20oz(Daniel), and gypsycameo(Amy), so you're not going to figure out who's been copied just by looking at e-mail addresses in the general case), and presentation names that are localized, so I can't read them. If a collaborator copies three people who I can't decode from the e-mail address, and can't read from the presentation name, I can't figure out if another researcher has been copied or not, without asking. If I can't read the characters in the local part of the e-mail address, there's even less chance I'll be able to figure out who's been copied (and usually, figuring out who hasn't been copied is more interesting, in my limited experience) - I know I'm going to regret not reading Korean when I'm at IETF 59, but today, I don't read Korean. Game over.. I agree with Dave in the general case ("the goal is to go beyond today's Internet"), but am wondering if that also requires us to go beyond today's language capability when we start leaking these addresses between enclaves. I am sensitive to the comments expressed in this thread, that a heckuva lot of people have to learn two sets of glyphs, and I'm not one of them - I just don't see how we do it any other way. Oh, yeah - the other thing was, discussion about leaking out of a Mongolian enclave is interesting, but leaking between two non-Latin enclaves is where the rubber meets the road, and I've worked with too many smart people from Asia/Pacific and from the Middle East to believe that we wouldn't have two non-Latin enclaves who would be collaborating about fifteen minutes after the second enclave starts up... Spencer p.s. Because I'm not a Genius of Internationalization, I apologize for using country names as if they were character sets in advance - hope my comment is still somewhat clear. p.p.s. If we DO discover life on Mars, I'm willing to change my mind. I know my stepson would love ro have an excuse to learn Martian/Klingon/etc....