Roy, >> Mail Internationalised Local-Part (MILP) RB> Even though, given IDNA now exists as a proposed standard, the main RB> issues relate to the local part, the issue under discussion is that of RB> internationalized mail addresses, not just internationalized RB> local-parts. Really? What work needs to be done, except for local part? IDNA takes care of the right-hand side. So what is there to do about "internationalized mail addresses" other than the local part? RB> Restricting the disucssion to local-parts runs the risk of excluding RB> other potentially relevent issues. For instance, one of the issues RB> that has been discussed on the IMAA list is whether full-width at RB> should be recognized in an internationalized mail address. full-width _where_? somewhere other than local part? if yes, then how can that be practical? if no, then the charter does not preclude their use. (if you think otherwise, please explain.) d/ -- Dave Crocker <dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com> Brandenburg InternetWorking <> Sunnyvale, CA USA <tel:+1.408.246.8253>