The Host Identity Protocol, first discussed after the the MALLOC meeting at 43th IETF in Orlando and again at BOFs during the 50th IETF in Minneapolis and 51st in London, is surfacing again.
The HIP work has proceeded at the side of the IETF, without any formal organization, to a level where the HIP Architecture document is ready to be published as an Informational RFC. The actual protocol specification is also quite mature, and there there are at least six implementations, four of which have been tested for interoperability. To complete the remaining work on infrastructure so that it would be possible to experiment with HIP on a wide scale, we have requested a BOF for the next IETF in Minneapolis. While the BOF is still pending formal approval from the ADs, it does appear at the preliminary agenda.
The architecture specification, draft-moskowitz-hip-arch-05.txt, is on its way to the archives. The plan is to submit it directly to the RFC Editor on Monday, October 27th, following the procedure of RFC2026 Section 4.2.3. It would be very valuable if people would read the draft either before Oct27th or soon afterwards, allowing possible comments to be considered before publishing the document. The comments should be sent either directly to the authors or to the hipsec mailing list.
Since it may take some time before the draft appears in the repository, it is currently also available at the following URLs:
The corresponding protocol specification, draft-moskowitz-hip-08.txt, will be heading to the repository later today. It will also be available at URLs similar to the ones above. An announcement will be sent to the hipsec mailing list.
The BOF is currently scheduled for Thursday, Nov 13, at 1300-1500, but as the agenda is still much in flux, it may be moved. The BOF description is available at
At this stage I want to thank the large number of people that have contributed to HIP during these years, allowing it to proceed this far. You know who you are. Without your work it would not have been possible to get even here. HIP has been a community effort, and will continue as such.
This announcement was sent to the Multi6, Mobile IPv4, Mobile IPv6, and IPsec WGs, in addition to the IETF Discuss mailing lists. The reason for this is that HIP, if adopted, may have effects on IPsec based security, IP layer mobility, and multi-address multi-homing.
The HIP architecture and protocol should be discussed at the hipsec mailing list; see the BOF description for details on how to subscribe.
--Pekka Nikander