A different problem, of course, is having one group claim that another doesn't know what it is talking about. For example, the idea that an operator could claim that a vendor to operators has no understanding of operations, is a bit strange.
Actually, this problem is fundamental, at least at present. We have people walking into working groups and throwing up presentations entitled "reality check, nobody in this room but us knows what they're talking about" and making similar statements in very public and very private fora, when the vendors know for certain what they have just spent or are spending a huge amount of effort developing at very specific customer requests - in some cases, the very networks whose employees are making those presentations - and have deployed in customer networks that they aren't allowed to talk about.
I have no problem with not being able to name my customers and yet doing for them what they tell me they want done. I do have a problem being basted as clueless because my customer isn't standing at the mike asking for it. I have a big problem with the level of disrespect being pushed around here.