folks, It should be obvious by now that there are people who stubbornly believe that Big Companies have the Inalienable Right to screw Hundreds of Millions of Individual Users if it makes them lots of money and if it doesn't happen to violate the letter of an IETF protocol. Presumably those same people would defend Hitler [*]. Still, people will believe what they want to believe. In general, trying to teach things to people with read-only minds is an exercise in futility. Trying to do it on the IETF list is a futile waste of bandwidth. IAB has produced a far better statement of the nature of the problem than anything that has been written here. And while I believe the IAB statement is somewhat weaker than it should have been, I don't see how the IETF list is likely to do better. Keith [*] Having gratuitiously invoked the name of the modern epitome of Pure Evil, by Godwin's Law, I now hereby declare the discussion closed. (Nominations for successors to this role should be sent in private mail only.)