--On 23. september 2003 17:03 +0800 wang liang <wangliang_f@163.com> wrote:
I submitted my I-D several weeks ago,but I haven't received even a piece of advice.This I-D is about the search protocol for library.Now there are more and more databases in library,we often have to search in many databases one by one to get the precise and comprehensive recorder.It's maybe not a pleasure job.Our protocol just solve this problem. I think it is a useful protocol with some faultiness.How can I get more advice for it.I can't find a work group for it.Just create one?
with several thousand internet-drafts published each year, it is not likely that you will get feedback just by publishing one.
The trick that most often works is, as usual, to find the people interested in the same area of work, give them a pointer, and ask for feedback. In this case, looking for people who have worked in relation to Z39.50 and similar efforts might be useful.
Good luck!
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