The machines that serve the IETF are located in the track of Hurricane Isabel, which is expected to impact the East Coast of the United States on Thursday. There are currently two servers: (in Reston, Virginia) (in Natick, Massachusetts) The Reston site hosts the mail server, all of the Web pages, and the Web site search engine. The Natick Web server is a mirror of the Reston Web server, except for the Web archives of the mail. The address points to both servers. As a protective measure, many servers in the Reston office will be powered off starting as of 1400 EDT. Mail to will not be processed until the servers are brought back on-line. If the Reston office has a powerfailure, the Web archives of the mail, and the Web search engine will not be available. If the Web server you are pointing to is not responding, then please attempt to use the direct addresses of both servers to access the pages. Please be sure that the technical team will be working to restore these services as quickly as possible. Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter. The IETF Secretariat